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TNT-70 multi-functional alkaline cleaning agent

1. Suitable for oil removal of steel, non-ferrous metals and alloys. 2, low temperature: for general oil parts can be cleaned by room temperature and cold water. 3, Good washable property.

product feature:

Copper and iron parts:

Usage of NaHO: 10-20g/L (Actual usage depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)

Usage of Na3PO4:10-20g/L (Actual usage depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)

INT-70 usage concentration: 20-50ml/L (The actual usage concentration depends on the workpiece condition, this is the laboratory test index)

Usage of tea tree seeds: 10-20g/L (Actual usage depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)

Operating temperature: 20-50℃ (the actual operating temperature depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)

Alloy class:

Usage of Na2CO3:100-150ml/L (Actual usage depends on the condition of the workpiece, this is the laboratory test index)

Usage of Na3PO4:100-150ml/L (Actual usage depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)

INT-70 usage concentration: 30-50ml/L (The actual usage concentration depends on the workpiece condition, this is the laboratory test index)

Operating temperature: 20-50℃ (the actual operating temperature depends on the condition of the workpiece, which is the laboratory test index)